Asked Questions

How do I know if Strong Ties is the right place for me?

Get in touch to learn more! We can send updates & helpful information so you can have a better idea if Strong Ties is right for you and your family. If you are looking for quick fixes, crash diets or a magic pill, we are likely not the right fit for you.

Learn more by signing up for our email list HERE.

How do I make an appointment?

Simply use the request appointment option on the website and if the time is confirmed, you can be seen in office or virtually depending on your concerns.

Not sure what to schedule?
Send us a message about your question and we can schedule a consultation.

Do you take insurance?

In order to best serve the individuality of our patients, we have opted out of participating in insurance plans.  We want to be accessible to anyone who is interested in our help, not only those with certain insurance plans.

If you prefer to find someone in-network, please join our email list for other information you may find helpful!

Do you do tongue tie releases the same day?

The short answer is that it depends.

Because we pride ourselves on having a holistic and transdisciplinary approach to health, many times other preparation is needed before a tongue tie release. There may be exercises or therapies that would be beneficial before and after a release for optimal results. Other times, the release may need to be done in two stages or two appointments. Every infant, child and adult are different, and we want to set you up for the best possible outcome.

I’m an adult. Am I too old to have a tongue tie released?

Benefits of releasing oral restrictions are seen in people of any age. Many times, tongue and lip ties are the cause of poor oral habits, crooked teeth, mouth breathing and contribute to snoring, facial & neck pain.

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